1on1 Business Links

Who do we recommend for other queries you may have that aren’t tax related?

Home Loans

Maxine Park - Nectar Mortgages

M: 0401 372 181

E: [email protected]

Motor Vehicle Finance

Jason Hilder - Street Wise Finance

M: 0419 564 720

P: (07) 5667 7007

E: [email protected]

Digital & Technology Solutions

Peter Rodrick - Digital Consulting

P: 0423 600 777

E: [email protected]

Law & Legal Matters

Michelle Porcheron - Michelle Porcheron Lawyers

P: (07) 5572 7902

M: 0422 407 251

E: [email protected]

Tax Shield - Tax Depreciation Schedules

Alvin Teo

Direct National Head Office

P: 1300 780 892

P: 07 3844 3321

FIFO Capital

Mark Edwards

M: 0419 742 703

E: [email protected]

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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